An Omega's Wish Read online

Page 7

  While I went about soaking the bread in the whipped eggs, I tried to put all my thoughts into some kind of order.

  In my most recent memories, my father’s, the world had been going through some major changes. After decades of omegas being trapped in the home, cooking, cleaning, and raising the children, alphas were suddenly sharing the roles within the home. It had really thrown my father for a loop. When he felt the pull of magic and took his trip as a human, he had been battling against generations of alpha tendencies, taking what he wanted, when he wanted it.

  But the world he entered was not the same as his own father had entered decades before.

  If there’s one thing wolves are good at, it’s adapting, and my father was luckily a curious wolf, willing to try something new.

  And I had the benefit of learning from generations of mistakes. I looked down at the frying pan on the stove in front of me. I guess this would just be me proving how much I’d learned, right?

  Except… why were there so many buttons on this stove?

  I forced down the flutter of anxiety. Noel was counting on me. If I couldn’t pull this off, my omega could starve! Well, not likely, but I was willing to do whatever I could to provide for my omega, to satisfy his every need. And right now, that need was this French toast.

  I started mashing some buttons and flipped a couple pieces of soaked bread into the pan. I heard some sizzling, so that was a good sign. I then spun around in circles until I found the coffee and got that started next.

  It wasn’t just the unfamiliar kitchen setting that was making me anxious. It was Noel himself. I hesitated to even consider the possibility, but...

  It was him. I was sure of it.

  Hundreds of years had passed since the first of my ancestors, since the curse settled over my family. I guess it wasn’t so much a curse as a promise. Edmund North promised he would wait forever, and I guess in some weird way, I was ensuring that promise was fulfilled. Or… we were? Hundreds of years worth of wolves, living, breathing, dying, waiting to be reunited with our one true love. We’d failed every time, forced to wait until the next generation to try again.

  And then came Noel.

  The second I heard his voice, it called to me in a way that echoed through time. He didn’t look exactly the same as Adam, my ancestor’s omega; he was taller, more muscular, but the eyes were the same. I would recognize them anywhere.

  But let’s assume for one second that this was actually Adam reincarnated. What did that mean? Were we made for each other, for better or worse, ‘til death do us part? Would that mean the curse was finally broken, and my future children would be able to live their own lives, apart from the unending memories? Could they choose their own destinies? Would they even carry the wolf gene?

  The problem was that it didn’t feel like the curse had been broken. There was no epiphany, the heavens didn’t open up and shine down upon me. Nothing inside me said this was it. Which led me to an even worse question to fathom… what if Noel didn’t feel the same way about me? If he rejected me, would I be cursing my entire bloodline to wander forever alone, reliving this brief moment of bliss for eternity?

  The panic was starting to encroach on the happiness I had been feeling just moments before. I swallowed down the lump in my throat, and my eyes began to sting with unshed tears. Nope, I wasn’t going to cry all over my omega’s French toast.

  Shit. The French toast!

  And with that thought, the smoke alarm began to blare. I swung back to the stove, my eyes taking in the cloud of smoke billowing out of the pan. How long had I been daydreaming for? I grabbed the pan and flung it into the sink where it sizzled against the stainless steel. I then started waving a dish towel around, because that’s what people do, right? To, like, push the smoke around or something?

  “What’s going on in here?” Noel came barreling into the kitchen, eyes wide and dick swinging. “Where’s the fire?

  His eyes followed to where I was pointing, the sizzling smoking mess in the sink. “No flames?” he asked.

  “No flames,” I confirmed, clearing my throat. “Hungry?” I said loudly to be heard over the alarm.

  Now that he knew for sure that his house wasn’t burning to the ground, his face relaxed into a smirk. “I’m famished,” he said, taking in my attire. I somehow didn’t think he was talking about the burned breakfast.

  As if to confirm that fact, his cock gave a twitch, bringing my attention to its growth. I had a feeling my apron wouldn’t do much to hide my own growing erection in a moment.

  Noel walked past me to crack open a window, allowing the smoke an outlet from the kitchen, and then he leaned up on his toes to turn off the alarm.

  When he turned around, there was a war of emotions parading across his face. I wasn’t sure which one to give my attention to first.

  “What are you thinking?” I asked him. I would let him set the tone for how to proceed.

  “I want you,” he said, his voice husky with need.

  “I’m happy to oblige,” I said, dropping to my knees in front of him.

  Just as I was about to wrap my mouth around his cock, he threaded his hands into my hair and tugged my face back. He gave a hiss of anticipation, but there was also a look of regret in his eyes.

  Did he regret me?

  Before I could ask what was wrong, he started to speak in a rush. “I want to. I mean, I really want to, but we didn’t use a condom. And I know you’re clean, because of the whole virgin thing, and I know I’m clean because I haven’t slept with anyone since my last test, but there are a lot of other things to take into consideration. Like pregnancy.”

  Noel stopped with a gasp, his eyes widening. He seemed surprised to have said all of that, as if he’d split at the seams and just poured his thoughts out all over the kitchen.

  “Hey, it’s okay,” I said to reassure him. In truth, I would say anything to calm him, but I really meant it too. Was pregnancy the worst thing that could happen? Because in this exact moment, I couldn’t bring myself to be disappointed with this little hypothetical baby.

  “It’s not okay,” he said. “I should’ve thought about a condom last night, but I got all caught up in the moment. It’s way too soon to be bringing a child in to this relationship, or whatever it is we’re doing.”

  “It’s definitely a relationship,” I interrupted.

  Noel’s eyes met mine, and a small smile tugged at his lips. “Well, that’s one thing taken care of,” he said with a chuckle. “So, it’s soon for a baby, that was my point. Not that I’m against babies. Who doesn’t love babies?”

  “Are you sure you don’t want a baby? It sounds like you really like them.”

  He gave my hair another playful tug, and it just reminded me of the position we were in. My eyes darted down to the erection dangling just out of reach, teasing me with the glistening bead of pre-cum on its tip. I licked my lips, and Noel’s eyes followed the trail of my tongue. “Condom,” he demanded.

  “I love it when you get all bossy,” I purred. “I’ll do anything you tell me to, as long as you promise to use that tone of voice again.”

  Noel smirked down at me and allowed my head to come just an inch closer to him. I darted my tongue out, snatching the bead of cum on the tip of my tongue. We both moaned in tandem.

  “Tell me what you want me to do to you,” I said from my place on the floor.

  I could see the hesitation, the pause, while fantasies were darting behind his eyes. Oh yes, he had plans for me, I had no doubt.

  “Tell me,” I said again.

  He closed his eyes, preparing himself. For my rejection maybe? Well, he needed to know that there was no way I could reject anything he asked of me.“I want you to eat my ass,” he burst out, turning his head away so he wouldn’t see my reaction.

  Since he wasn’t watching, I took the opportunity to duck down and slide between his legs, widening his stance with my hands. He nearly lost his balance, but I slapped my hands against his ass and got a good grip.
I wasn’t about to let him fall.

  Once he was settled in his wide-legged posture, one arm splayed out to the wall, I used my hands to pull his ass cheeks apart, exposing his puckered hole. It was dripping wet, and I salivated at the thought of him.

  I swept my tongue from one end of him to the other, down the length of his cock, right to the base, over his balls, and through to his entrance. I darted my tongue in to taste his sweet slick, and his knees nearly buckled.

  “Holy shit,” he panted. I wished I could see his expression right now; I knew his face so well, even if we’d technically just met, and I was sure that I would recognize all his various masks of sexual pleasure.

  As I tongued his tight hole, I slowly worked my thumbs in on either side, widening his entrance, softening the thick ring of muscle. His thighs on either side of me were beginning to quiver, and I knew he was getting close.

  “That’s right, omega mine,” I moaned against him.

  He bucked back against my mouth, grinding into me. “”Wolf, I-I’m coming!” Noel cried out, and it felt like an announcement to the world that he belonged to me. I did this, I made him come.

  He tightened around my fingers and at the same time, he ejected his load, and I felt it rain down on me from above.

  As soon as he was done quaking with the aftershocks of his orgasm, I wiggled out from my spot on the floor and stood in front of my omega and reached under the apron to fist my erection. “Please tell me you’re still hungry,” I begged. I was aching something fierce, and one way or another, I needed a release.

  Noel’s eyes devoured me, but it wasn’t doing anything to relieve the pressure. I needed something a little more tangible.

  He looked back up, trailing his eyes the entire length of my body, and he looked predatory. I had never been on this side of a hunt before, and it was way sexier than I’d ever imagined. I liked being prey. “Eat me,” I whispered.

  Now it was Noel’s turn on his knees. He lifted the hem of my apron and took a peek at what I was doing such a bad job of hiding under here. “No, I’m afraid this is no good. It’ll have to go.” He reached around and untied the string, and I slid it over my head and dropped it to the floor. Noel watched my every move, and when his path was unobstructed, he moved once again into position.

  The first lick was delectable, slow and warm. He continued to tease me, running his tongue agonizingly slow down my shaft. He tickled my testicles with his fingers, and it took everything in me not to fuck his face. He looked up at me just as he lined his parted lips at my tip.

  “You’re killing me,” I growled at him, nudging at his mouth.

  He gave me a little smirk. Who knew such a frisky creature was hiding inside this mild-mannered man? Then with one gulp, he opened wide and slid the whole way down, taking me right to the back of his throat. He didn’t lose eye contact as he began to glide back and forth, building the tempo.

  I stayed as still as possible, letting Noel set the rhythm. I didn’t know what he could handle, and I didn’t want to push him past his limits. As he grabbed my balls, my eyes rolled back in my head. As much as I wanted to watch him work, I couldn’t stop from getting lost in the sensations. Noel began to tug on my balls, urging me to thrust. I tested the waters, moving slowly, and then with increasing intensity as he began to moan around me, pulling me faster, harder.

  The pressure built, higher, I couldn’t stop it—I threw my head back and howled, emptying myself into my omega’s awaiting mouth. I felt him swallow, his mouth tightening around me, before he finally pulled back.

  I looked back down at him on his knees at my feet, and the satisfied look on his face said it all. He had just claimed me.

  “Who needs condoms?” he laughed.

  I took Noel’s hand and helped him up from the floor. I held him close for a quick moment, just enjoying the bliss, before I swept Noel up into my arms.

  He squealed, “Put me down!”

  “Sure thing, in just one second.” I carried him down the hall and deposited him next to the shower.

  “You read my mind,” he said, sighing contentedly. He got the water started, while I rummaged through the drawers. “What are you looking for?”

  “Condoms,” I told him.

  “You’re a beast! I couldn’t possibly go another round already.”

  “No, I don’t want it for that reason,” I said, shaking my head. “I want you to show me how to use a condom.”

  He raised an eyebrow at me. “You don’t know? In all your many lives, you’ve never…?”

  “Well,” I said with a sheepish shrug, “they were around, but nobody really used them. My father was here in a time of free love. There wasn’t a need.”

  He nodded his head, a sad look on his face. “Free love was much safer at one time, but not anymore. I’ll show you how to put on a condom, and then we’ll make sure you get lots of practice. Put that in your memory bank for future incarnations.” He said the words teasingly, but it reminded me of my previous thoughts. Would there be future generations of cursed wolves?

  Noel stepped into the shower and drew me in behind him. He soaped me up and ran his fingers down my body, tenderly but not sexually.

  “Thanks for breakfast,” he said, poking me in the ribs, and it broke my reverie.

  We both giggled, and when we were all clean, we went back to the kitchen for another attempt at French toast.

  I was really starting to get a handle on this whole human thing.



  Whoever told you snow was clean and bright and beautiful… was lying. It was a force to be reckoned with, and had the power to bring the whole world to a standstill if Mother Nature so chose.

  Which was exactly what happened. Just a few days before Christmas, and a storm rolled through, leaving most of Vale Valley stranded in their homes, waiting for the snow plows to clean up the streets. And yet, for some reason, here we were standing on a doorstep in two feet of snow.

  “Thank goddess you’re here,” Ella said, sweeping the door open. The look on her face was one of total exaggerated panic. “Gimme.” She made grabby hands.

  I passed the bag of cat food over. “Hello to you too.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Hi.” Ella snatched the food and practically ran to the kitchen.

  “I’m going to assume you invited us in, okay?” I called into the house, but I wasn’t sure she’d even heard me over all the racket.

  “What’s that noise?” Wolf asked, his brow scrunched up. “It sounds like something’s dying.”

  We cautiously inched in, tapping all the snow from our boots, and closed the door behind us. When nobody came back to see if we were still here, we exchanged nervous glances and took our boots off. “Do you think we should risk it?” I asked Wolf. “Will you protect me from whatever the hell is making that noise?”

  “I would say yes, but I honestly don’t have a clue what it is, and I don’t want to break any promises to you.”

  I gave Wolf a teasing elbow to the gut and then took his hand and led him in the direction Ella had gone. We entered into a kitchen, small and clean, and probably built in the same era as my own. The noise was nearly deafening in here. “Dear goddess,” I wailed, pressed my hands to my ears.

  The origin of the sound was actually two-fold. First was Daniel the cat, circling his empty food dish yowling, which sounded like an old-fashioned fire truck. Ella was rushing to get the bag of food open, because apparently he was hungry.

  The worst of the noise, however, was coming from the tiny senior alpha sitting at the Formica table. Her blue-haired head was thrown back, her mouth wide, and she was howling twice as loudly as Daniel was.

  Wolf’s eyebrows were all the way up to his hairline, and his jaw was slack. “What the hell did we just walk in on?”

  “Oh, that’s just Nana,” I said with a shrug as if that explained everything.

  “Oh.” He nodded as if he understood.

  When the dish was finally filled with food, Daniel hunke
red down to eat, but Nana just kept up with her siren song. Ella walked over and plugged her nose.

  She came up for air, spluttering. “What the hell did you do that for?”

  “You can stop now,” Ella said, crossing her little arms across her chest. “Daniel’s eating.”

  “Oh, thank fuck,” Nana said. “I didn’t think I could keep up with that for much longer.”

  I looked to Ella for an answer, but she just shrugged and said, “She was suffering from sympathy hunger pain.”

  “Right,” I agreed. “Of course.”

  Nana got up and walked to the fridge. “I can sympathy eat too.” She grabbed a chicken drumstick and walked past us out of the kitchen. “Later, gators.”

  We all took a breath in the wake of her departure and then burst out into giggles. “I should come by more often.”

  “You don’t mean that,” Ella said.

  “I don’t mean that,” I agreed.

  “Can I get you guys anything?” she asked. “You came all this way to bring me cat food. The least I can do is give you a drink.”

  “Maybe just a water. I need to stay hydrated for the trek back home. I wouldn’t want to die like the Franklin expedition,” I teased.

  “Pretty sure they died of lead poisoning… can I get you some canned food for the trip home?”

  “Har har,” I gave her a pinch and she jumped.

  While Ella and I chatted, Wolf stood behind me, a hand resting on my lower back. Ella’s eyes tracked down to our intimate contact. “So…” she said, trailing off. “Are you two a thing now?”

  I met Wolf’s eyes and couldn’t stop the smile that crept onto my face. “We’re not NOT a thing,” I pseudo-confirmed.

  She waved my answer away. “Oh please. I could smell the hormones coming off you two the other day. It was only a matter of time.” Even though she was brushing off the topic, I could see the way she watched our body language.

  Like she was the one who was starving.

  I tried to change the subject, drawing her attention back to my face. “So, you called us all panicked about the cat food, but you didn’t explain why Daniel was still here. Weren’t Pierce and Finn supposed to be back yesterday?”